Archive for the ‘Journal’ Category

Journal, 2/7   Leave a comment

She Who Must Be Obeyed started her new job on Monday, which means economic stability and probably helped drop my blood pressure. Unfortunately, it’s second-shift, which means she’s not home until 11:30. Knock-on effect from that: I haven’t slept well all week, so I took Thursday (practice night) to nap, and it was oh so […]

Posted February 11, 2011 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 1/31: KASF and whatnot   2 comments

I think I’m going to have to start keeping a paper diary at practice, since a lot of my thoughts there are getting lost by the time I sit down to this bad boy. On the way back from Ice Castles, Letia and I hatched a plan.  Well, actually, Letia hatched a plan, and I […]

Posted February 8, 2011 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 1/17   1 comment

Had a day of drills and a day of fighting this week, but still not all that much to actually discuss about it.  I say this, and may well see you on other side of 1,000 words, but we’ll find out.  Meanwhile, the event this past weekend was pretty good fun and maybe I’m just […]

Posted January 25, 2011 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 1/10   6 comments

No drilling this week, so only the fighting from Thursday to think on.  And it boils down to two Significant Thoughts. Form Or, where I say “Dante was *cough*cough*right*cough*cough”.  Per his suggestion in a comment, I spent Thursday with my feet at an obtuse angle, experimenting with how it affected my ability to stay in […]

Posted January 14, 2011 by wistric in Journal

Journal 1/3   5 comments

So apparently the new year decided to be inaugurated without making an enemy of another favored alcohol, but also with drills.  Lots of drills. More Drills than a Home Depot Saturday, to celebrate the first day of 2011, Gawin and his friend Adam came over (and brought Gawin’s lady, and another of their friends, who […]

Posted January 9, 2011 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 12/20   3 comments

A rather thin one, what with not being in the state and all. And yet, as They Who Created Wistric said: “You found a fight at Christmas?!” That’s Right Having grown up in the Barony of Darkwater, yet ignorant of the SCA, I didn’t take much heed of the Society in my home town until […]

Posted December 28, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 11/29&12/6   Leave a comment

There was not quite enough last week to both with a full entry, for various reasons which I’ll get in to later. Later having arrived: Drills on Wednesday Wednesday of last week was the first of what should be a weekly occurrence of drills in the driveway.  Caelia and I used to do this, and […]

Posted December 10, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 11/15   1 comment

The Wistric household contains many Thanskgiving traditions.  Wistric’s family comes to visit, Wistric makes chocolate pie, She Who Must Be Obeyed makes Wistric’s favorite stuffing, Mother of Wistric makes the traditional Wistric Family Rolls, and all stuff their faces until thoroughly sated, then sit around on Friday wishing that Wistric didn’t live right next to […]

Posted November 23, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 11/8   Leave a comment

Thursday dawned bright and early, somewheres around sunrise, and it was a day for killin’.  Of course, thanks to the vagaries of axial tilt, orbital period, and the cessation of daylight savings time, it was long after sunrise that the killin’ started.  It was, in fact, after sunset.  “Dark” is a good estimate.  All of […]

Posted November 15, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 10/25   4 comments

After a week off the previous, this week was just a bit of reminding my legs what they’re supposed to do.  Next Thursday (11/4) is also an off-week for me since work has me traveling.  All of which means basically four weeks of treading water.  Though, Elkin Fight Club approaches (11/14) which is always good […]

Posted November 2, 2010 by wistric in Journal