Archive for the ‘Journal’ Category

Journal, 9/10   5 comments

Thursday at work was cranky-making, and then FedEx failed to deliver my new sword as promised, so I did not have my sword (which is named “Happiness” because money sure as hell can buy that), and I had an enduring funk by the time I got to practice with a brain that had checked out […]

Posted September 14, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal, July 26th   Leave a comment

There will, eventually, be discourse upon the first sections of Giganti’s instructions on the use of dagger, however since my Giganti book is now at Pennsic, without me, on a quest for Tom Leoni’s signature, it will have to wait. And now that I think about it, I should have sent a dollar bill instead. […]

Posted August 2, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 6/28   Leave a comment

First, a congratulations to Letia on reaching the big 3-0, the day before Thursday practice of this week.  Part of her birthday present was 30 passes promised to her, which we’d originally intended to do on her 30th, but life and weather intervened, so we fought them at Thursday practice.  More on that later. Looking […]

Posted July 9, 2010 by wistric in Journal

News from the North.   3 comments

Caelia ahoy. Yes, I’m still up in the far reaches of the East Kingdom. No, we haven’t managed to find a practice we can attend, and probably won’t be able to. So it’s just Tristan and I and we have been very, very lazy. It had been ages since I last picked up a blade […]

Posted June 29, 2010 by Dreya in Journal

Journal, 6/21   Leave a comment

Not much in the way of narrative this week, instead the new list of things to work on: Separating Footwork and Bladework Dom gave this advice to Letia, and some drills to employ to get there.  I don’t know that I do a great job of this myself, and could definitely stand to do the […]

Posted June 29, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 6/14   1 comment

Another week, another Thursday practice.  As mentioned last week, I’m still trying to muster up the urge to kick as much ass as possible, without having Pennsic or WoW as an outlet.  Add to that the current wave of heat and humidity, and it’s a bit like trying to sprint under water.  But screw that, […]

Posted June 22, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 6/7   1 comment

I find myself in a strange mental state.  Without Pennsic or WoW (where I’ll be RMiC instead of fighting) to motivate improvement of skill, I’m instead motivated by the sole goal of “getting better”.  I am getting better so that I can get better, period.  Tautological motivations are a tricky thing, and more fragile than […]

Posted June 14, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal, 5/31   Leave a comment

The week was more devoid of fencing than previous weeks.  Something about being back working a full time job means there’s just no time for fencing.  But somebody has to pay for the swords.  I’ve kept up the running, but not the lunging.  Time to change that, too… Tuesday Tuesday I went and fought armored.  […]

Posted June 5, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal 5/24   Leave a comment

Only about seven entries behind, but as Ricky Fleming used to say, ain’t nothin’ to it but to do it.  So allons-y! Monday and Thursda Monday, Letia and I went to the Gymnast’s place to cross swords with him.  That day, and again on Thursday, my personal focus was on gearing up the Venetian fight […]

Posted June 4, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Fencing Journal, 5/17   Leave a comment

I swear, this self-improvement jag is gonna end my white ass.  It wraps in another week, though. Monday, or The Day of the Gymnast Of late, Griffin, Letia, and I have been working with a newbie, Adam.  He has an air conditioned gym, so “working with” translates to “taking the opportunity to fight in awesome […]

Posted May 20, 2010 by wistric in Journal