Archive for the ‘Journal’ Category

Fencing Journal… er… whatever date it is   4 comments

It’s been a little while since I’ve been chock-full of introspection and self-assessment, but why not get back in the saddle. The big news is that I left my job.  I’ve got a month til I start the next one.  There was a point when Valinn was between jobs that Alejandro asked him what he […]

Posted May 10, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal 4/5/2010   Leave a comment

Last week’s fencing update… There was none.  Work sat on me Tuesday and Thursday.  And instead of going to Coronation and fighting on Saturday, I worked 9 hours.  I am so done with this job.  Better luck this week. Yesterday Sweetums dragged me to a TRX class.  Today I feel the good kind of sore.

Posted April 13, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal 3/22/10   7 comments

Oh what a week… Defending the Gate was chock-full of… actually, not fighting.  But lots of things around fighting, that will be discussed in a separate post, and appear set to affect my events for the next couple of months in various ways.  But meanwhile, back at the quotidian level… Giganti Monday, while sitting in […]

Posted March 29, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Fencing Journal 3/15   4 comments

Work continues to be a PITA, and it’s not going to get better until late April.  Nothing like sleeping all day Sunday and still being exhausted on Monday to show you just how much this cube-farm gig can sap out of a person. Heavy Fighting at Baronial Practice Sunday (actually, the 14th) I finally nutted […]

Posted March 23, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Fencing Journal 3/8   2 comments

The weather gods are asking for another dance off.  Rained out on Thursday, and basically rained out of the event this weekend I was planning on going to.  Damn, if only I’d made better use of my week.  Oh, wait, I did. Tuesday Gaston’s heading down to Gulf Wars, and Rosalind was helping him get […]

Posted March 12, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Fencing Journal 3/1/2010   14 comments

In which Wistric gets tempo.  No really this time. Fencing has been touch-and-go the past couple of weeks due to work.  I made it out Thursday of this week, but hadn’t been out since Tuesday the week before.  Damn our American dedication to over-productivity.  No wonder French have more alcoholics and better food, they have […]

Posted March 5, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Journal 2/8/10   7 comments

There’s a real post kicking around somewhere in the back of my mind, but it may not make it out this month.  We’ll see. Meanwhile, yet another motto for me, from Caelia: “Everybody knows you’d fight on a  flaming garbage heap in a hailstorm”  (This goes along with the official motto “Poena stultus corpore digrediens […]

Posted February 15, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Fencing Journal 2/1/2010   1 comment

There was no practice Tuesday.  It was kinda, like, snow-covered.  Still.  And soaking wet.  And cold.  Good times. State of the Union February 2nd being my 29th birthday, I decided to start a tradition and go get a physical.  It’d only been… half a lifetime or so since my last one.  Along with all the […]

Posted February 8, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Fencing Journal 1/25/10   1 comment

No Tuesday practice for me; the Durham county animal control committee was mulling over a change to its policies that would make my other hobby (trap-neuter-return of “free-roaming” cats) no longer a misdemeanor, so I showed up and to watch my government inaction.  While entirely not fencing related (but related to certain other social dynamics […]

Posted January 29, 2010 by wistric in Journal

Fencing Journal 1/18   Leave a comment

Not a whole lot happened this week.  I got out to Tuesday practice but Thursday practice was rained out.  Well, mudded (muddied?) out, due to Their Ex’s yard being turned in to a mudpit by a day of rain.  Hit the gym on Monday and on Thursday (Wednesday was the day of a horrible, all-day-long, […]

Posted January 22, 2010 by wistric in Journal